Tree Pruning and Trimming in Raleigh

A+ Tree & Crane has been in the tree trimming and pruning business since 1996. Since then, we have developed a reputation as one of the top rated tree service contractors in the Raleigh area and beyond. We know that finding reliable and experienced professionals to handle your trees is integral to both your wallet and the overall aesthetic of your property.

As an expert in all things tree related, we provide professional tree trimming and pruning services that maintain the health and integrity of your trees. We are proven experts with a long list of clients and credentials — you can trust us to get the job done in a professional way that is both affordable and efficient.


Call us today at (919) 854-0020, or fill out the form below to schedule your free estimate for your tree trimming or pruning project. Our professional team can restore and revitalize the trees on your property in no time!

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Why Trim My Trees?

There are several reasons to prune or trim a tree. Tree trimming can allow for clearance in areas where cars are parked, utility lines are placed, and pedestrians walk. Additionally, regular pruning and tree limb maintenance help remove diseased branches, which improves the longevity of the tree. Proper thinning of branches can also reduce limbs falling on roofs, blocked gutters and prevent infestation of squirrels. It’s a service that is both practical and pleasing to the eye.


Why Hire a Professional?

It may be tempting to just do the job yourself, but inexperienced attempts at tree trimming or pruning can lead to injury for both you and the tree. A+ Tree & Crane has professional arborists and team members on staff who are formally trained and educated on the needs of trees and how to execute these services.

Here’s what else you can expect from our professionals:

  • Proper care and maintenance of all species of trees from trained and certified team members.
  • Educated team members who keep the health of the tree in mind throughout the trimming process, thus mitigating the potential for tree damage and prolonging the life and beauty of the tree.
  • Protection of an asset to your property value. Mature trees add considerable value to a property, especially when maintained through professional trimming and pruning.
  • Protection from liability. When a homeowner does not properly maintain their trees, it could result in a liability if the tree ends up damaging property or injuring a person. Improperly maintained trees can be dangerous to the tree itself, as well as surrounding people and property.

A+ Tree Trimming & Pruning Services

We offer high quality and affordable pruning and trimming services with a range of solutions.

Shaping & Corrective Pruning

Pruning is more than just cutting away limbs — it’s a science that, when executed properly, will keep your tree healthy and beautiful!

Crown Thinning

Certain tree species require competing limbs to be trimmed to ensure that trees grow with proper taper and form. We have experienced and accredited team members who know which trees need this service and how to make the tree flourish.

Tree Trimming by Crane or Spider Lift

Our expert professionals use a crane or a spider lift when necessary to trim trees that for example, are in close proximity to the street, structures, or mechanical equipment.

Tree Removal

Sometimes trimming and pruning a tree is not enough. When a tree is in a hazardous area or is diseased, it may be necessary to remove the tree. Safe and complete removal of the tree can also be handled by our team of tree removal professionals.

We are committed to providing the best tree trimming and pruning services to our customers in Raleigh, Apex, Durham, Cary, and the surrounding areas. We use the latest technology to provide the safest and most efficient tree trimming or pruning experience for you and for our teams.

Property owners who expect and deserve quality tree trimming and pruning service can expect nothing less from our team. For prompt, affordable and safe tree services, rely on the professionals at A+ Tree & Crane Services.


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